Just a geek who likes to play with robotics

You dont have to, but its interesting!

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Just a geek who likes to play with robotics

Postby ljfischer » 06 Oct 2020, 15:02

I'm an independent computer consultant. I work on robotics/IOT related stuff. I can program just about anything (windows, all embedded, android, even IOS on occasion). I can also change engines on a car (havent done that in a long time), and remodel houses (do that kind of stuff all the time). I work on whatever grabs my attention because I like to. I co-founded a drone startup that made drones that could fly for 8 hours - I built a gas generator that we strapped to a drone. I made an off-grid solar powered office for fun.

I have 4 electric wheelchairs, in varying states. Here is a wheelchair that I hacked to make it remote controlled:

This was a low budget arm I built to help someone with physical therapy:

Ive built lots of other stuff. I just acquired and fixed a hydraulic wheelchair lift because I always wanted to play with hydraulics.

My son's girlfriend's father is quadriplegic from an industrial accident. I fix things for him (hoists, whatever) that break.
Im always interested in working on cool things that people can use.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2019, 05:17

Re: Just a geek who likes to play with robotics

Postby Burgerman » 06 Oct 2020, 16:41

I co-founded a drone startup that made drones that could fly for 8 hours - I built a gas generator that we strapped to a drone.

How does that work? Technical brain here and cannot see how other than by gas you mean a petrol, fuel ic engine? A language thing maybe.
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