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Postby DiverCarol » 06 Mar 2010, 14:34

Hi everyone

My Mum uses a scooter (Aquasoothe TravelLite) when on holiday and on days out with the family. We're off on an adventure to New Zealand and I'd really like to find an all-terrain power chair that will dismantle for transport (no choice on that at this stage) that we could rent. The TravelLite's been a great boon, but can't deal with country pathways or grass or snow.

That's why I'm here for the present. Who knows what the future may hold for Mum, who has severe scoliosis and kyphosis. Looking to the longer-term future she might need something more of the time, and I'd expect this forum to be very useful for that.
Posts: 2
Joined: 06 Mar 2010, 14:21

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