If you want to say something that doesent fit anywhere else!


Postby Burgerman » 08 Sep 2018, 07:16

The gangs of muslim rapists in the mass rotherham gang rapings and child abuse of some 1500 known 12 to 15 year old girls, that tommy robinson tried to tell everyone about but was locked up for "hate speech", that happens in every big city, that the police refused to prosecute for years trials started this week. The first two were in court with armies of solicitors etc, starting earlier this week. The BBC covered all the usual black, muslim country violence and suffering that they do every day, and rohinga muslim stuff, and serena williams dresses, etc. And anti trump stuff, the terrible thing called brexit etc. As usual.

But conspicuously absent was even a mention of anything to do with the country wide muslim teenage grooming gangs, the trials for rape taking place this week. Not a tiny mention. Interesting isnt it. Every possible non story that pushes the diversity agenda, and every possible multicultural push, inc black and muslim film reviews, and other trivial leftist agenda propaganda thing imaginable. No trace of these trials even though its of public interest. The thing they are SUPPOSED to be doing

Also every time they cover venuzualas latest horror story, they NEVER once mention socialism... Every possible excuse under the sun. All of it irrelivant. But socialism? It cant possibly be that! They all think thats a good idea. They were told this in university. So they ignore it to fit their agenda.

And of course all the usual negative anti trump and anti brexit stuff repeated ad nauseum. By mostly black, gay, muslim, and obvious disabled reporters and newsreaders. Hetrosexual white men ESPECIALLY any with a non left/liberal outlook are basically banned from the BBC.

BBC biased? Really? :lol:

Mostly left. EXTREMELY overly liberal. Every single show, comedian, story, target, etc shows this biased agenda. They even do newsreaders, interviewing their own reporters, to be sure the get the "correct" opinion portrayed to educate the dumb masses. Anyone not toeing the line is an extreme right wing idiot to be discusted by (includes all brexit and trump voters and all the european right wing polititions etc), or are racist, or some kind of phobe, or whatever. They make me sick. Which is why I never pay my TV licence now for 2 decades. They can keep their biased bullshit, and their biased programming. And they think in their ignorance that the dropping viewing figures are caused by the internet. The sad thiing is that they BELIEVE that they are neutral!
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Postby Lord Chatterley » 10 Sep 2018, 01:47

Lord Chatterley
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