If you want to say something that doesent fit anywhere else!


Postby Burgerman » 09 Aug 2018, 21:35

Just watched a WHITE woman, with no obvious foreign accent, not obviously lesbian, no missing forearm waving about in a short sleeve dress showing off the stump daily, reading the news! :o A normal british person. You dont see that everyday! Or anyday on the biased BBC. She must have slipped in by mistake.

Normally its restricted to obviously gay mincy men, black, or muslim, or middle eastern men and women. And usually its this one - OBVIOUSLY trying to show that they employ the disabled. She always has that stump on view, every day even in winter. Not that it bothers me, its the fact that the BBC push this overly diverse agenda so much that it is practically impossible to ever see 2 white hetrosexual males on screen at any time. THAT is what bothers me. They are so over the top that its a joke. I am disabled. I dont want to look at diabled all the time. Its rediculous.

Every program, every trailer, every show, has to be 50% at least Black, muslim, disabled, gay, or some other curiosity. Remembering that this is a predomanantly white, straight, athiest country. And this is why I dont watch the BBC other than to evaluate its biased output and its liberal left biased rub your face in it agenda. We wont mention anti brexit, anti trump, anti anything right, anti jew, pro palestinian, and pro anything black or forein and pro left/corbyn, EU, immigrant, etc. HEAVILY and obviously biased. Trumps basic "fake" news.

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Postby Lord Chatterley » 10 Aug 2018, 21:47

BBC = Bolshevik Brainwashing Cult.

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Postby Burgerman » 10 Aug 2018, 22:05

And they keep trying to extort money from me!
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Postby greybeard » 10 Aug 2018, 22:55

Never mind, mate. When you're seventy five you get the TV licence free! :joint :dance :lol: cheers
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Postby Burgerman » 11 Aug 2018, 00:38

Not paid it ever. I can see a scam a mile off. The threatening letters, the "detector" vans :lol: and the nasty little men they send around to attempt to scare you, the television police. They can all go f**k themselves. I refuse to fund the overpaid pedophiles living in their ivory towers (with moats I kid you not) and their so called stars with 5 and even 6 figure incomes, pensions, and epenses for doing nothing but pushing the lefty, liberal, gay, black, pro EU agenda. And they dont even have any programs worth watching.

They extort 4 BILLION a year to keep them all enjoying their jollies and mostly show endless repeats of old crap. Sorry not my thing. Its just a lefty propaganda tool, that truly hates brexit, trump, and anything not pro black, muslim, palistinian, or weird sexualy confused minority weirdo. You should have seen their glum faces for the last couple of years as they did anything possible to ridicule leave voters and push anything EU. And they still do it even after they were called out over it publically many times. Sorry but I certainly wont be paying them a penny!
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Postby Burgerman » 11 Aug 2018, 02:27

Just took a look around out of interest. Only thing running right now that isnt another endless repeat is the news.

Thats currently a black newreader doing a feature on, and I kid you not, black cross dressers in kenya who were elebrating drag queens by dancing like a bunch of savages. How the hell is that a) news, and b) relevant to a white primarily straight UK population? You couldnt make it up. But if its not that its endless coverage of muslims murdering each other in every muslim country there is. We dont care. Not our problem. Theres only one cure. Or africa... Same thing.

The next story?

A feature on how hard it is for a bunch of african muslim immigrants in the UK (who nobody waned here in the first place) and how they struggle to do all the paperwork we make them complete before they get to the free handouts, free spending money, free housing, free medical care, all paid by the rest of us that lived here and built this country for dozens of generations. So they have a good base to start causing all the theft, rape, stabbings, etc etc that we see in every black (slum) area across the capital and big cities.

And the BBC genuinely dont know they are left/liberal elites. They are right and they know this. They just think that anyone with a different opinion (most of the country) is evil, and wrong and must be shut down and portrayed as right wing extremists and haters. Liberal leftist media love free speech, but only as long as it agrees with their ideology. If it doesent we are all ists, or phobes, to be dissalowed and non platformed... They dont get that this is the majority of the countries actual opinion. Thats why they dont get and fight against trump, brexit, and all the "extreme"right across europe. IN SPITE of the fact that the majority agree and voted to show that.
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Postby Burgerman » 11 Aug 2018, 02:58

Now we got 30 mins of ugandans giving away goats as a payment for owning a wife. And showing all the problems women suffer there, and showing them getting married and all dancing the umbongo and running around screaming or something. Why do we want this crap rammed down our throats day after day?

And obviously a black woman reporter, and interviews with black pastors and witch doctors etc. Like those are all real!!! Again we have to fake respect for damned ignorance.

That ended at 3am I think. Now theres a new (black) newsreader, and a news story about a bus full of muslim children that was blown up by a muslim air strike against muslim extremists. In muslim country by other muslims and rinse and repeat. As usual. Why? Because the totalitarian muslim religion makes them do this for 12 centuries. Getting rid of the evil religion is the only answer. But we cant even say that or we get shouted down since apparently religion deserves respect and you cant insult it without upsetting a liberal. Even though its obviously evil. This is the result of allowing reigion and especially this one. But again i dont live there, so frankly I am past caring. As I say we are not even allowed to discuss it rationally. Or that makes me a right wing phobe/ist. So on and on it goes.

And now the cross dressers are back.
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Postby Burgerman » 11 Aug 2018, 03:32

And they are advertising a show starting to run called: "the great british asian summer" all about indian families... Seriously. its one long agenda. And I am not paying for it.
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Postby Dan » 11 Aug 2018, 15:07

I have never paid for a licence either, never needed to. Are the foreign owned channels like $ky any better?
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Postby ICEUK » 11 Aug 2018, 16:00

I wouldn't say no to stumpy.
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Postby Burgerman » 11 Aug 2018, 18:41

I have never paid for a licence either, never needed to. Are the foreign owned channels like $ky any better?

A little. But most are still a little that way. Just not 150% liberal/black/left/biased like the anti brexit, anti trump, pro peodaphile, overpaid elitist BBC...

What bothers me is that EVERYONE is FORCED to pay the BBC to watch only the likes of Sky or even NASA TV online... So dont.

When they bang on your door, just say: I dont wish to join your peodofile club. And shut the door.
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Postby Burgerman » 12 Aug 2018, 10:54

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Postby ICEUK » 15 Aug 2018, 09:05

Oh dear we cant use the term final solution as it upsets ppl.
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Postby Burgerman » 15 Aug 2018, 09:31

PPL are stupid.

Mr Turnbull told parliament: "We need to stand up for what we are... the most successful multicultural society in the world, united by democratic values that do not distinguish between race, religion, colour or cultural background."

Anger over Mr Anning's speech extended beyond the parliament. Among those to speak out was Australia's first Muslim Test cricketer, Usman Khawaja.

I agree with not discriminating race, colour, but cultural background and religion ARE huge problems. Its the very reason that europe has the muslim problem. They do not want to integrate, they want to make europe muslim. They see it as a takeover of their death cult religion. Thats what it tells them. They do not see it as integrating or mixing, they see it literally as a takeover. They WANT to turn every place they go to into a muslim government controlled 3rd world shit hole. The same as the ones they just escaped from. They are OK in small percentages. But the demands for muslim "rights" like the rest of us observing their rules, get stronger exponentially as their percentages rise. And rise fast through breeding it does.

And culture. Take a look at the 3rd world black areas of any large city where they are highly concentrated as recent or up to 2 or 3 generation immigrants that came from backward violent places like any african country. There are whole areas of the cities in the UK where rape, violence, extended single parent families, poverty, unemployment, and mass petty scrime, and drugs are hugely problematic compared to the peacuful white native british areas. These manage to be the places where almost all of the violent and property crime perpetrators come from. Massively over represented in all of crime. And most are on benefits having their housing or children and everything else paid for by the state. By the native population. Is there a fix? No. Its about IQ in those african areas and a lawless violent culture that is all they have ever known.

You do not need to descriminate by colour or race, or religion to see that this is a huge problem for any civilised western country. Muslims, and 3rd world africans do not fit in the civilised western countries they all want to move to. Mostt just see it as a free suppply of money, housing and medical care. And this type of immigration if allowed at all, must be very carefully controlled and managed is SMALL QUANTITIES. But because we are all led by a bunch of elites, the typical left/liberal leaders that are incapable of stating the facts and see any attempt to do so as some sort of racicm, or "phobia" then the very question gets shut down and cannot even be discussed rationally. The two things they claim to stand for as equality of CULTURE and esp RELIGION do not seserve any respect or protection and should not be included with the sex/race/colour thing.

This has lead to the mass rise of the right, and the rise of the nationalism across europe and to a degree the USA and australia. And its basically because our polititions are blind to this and ignore the will of the people who are sick of watching their countries and cities turning into 3rd world shitholes supported by their taxes. They dont see why many generations of building their superior countries should be sacrificed to 3rd world backward immigrants, in huge volumes.
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