I voted leave part 2

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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 18 May 2019, 10:25

The likes of junker was not elected. And every time any country tries to defy the EU, through a vote, the EU makes them keep on voting till they get te right answer. That is not democratic. Or smuggles in things that no country wants or voted against by the back door. So no its not democratic. And worse, it is socialist by its design. With richer countries supporting poor ones. So I want no part of it. Thats why I voted out and won. And then was ignored so far. But I have faith in the system. Payback time is comming at the ballot box, and I suspect that the only sensible way we could ever have left, from day 1, was no deal. And thats what we will end up with after 3 years of stupid remainers and even more rediculous and nieve politicians trying to ignore the people.

This weeks eu vote, is that 2nd referendum that the remainr/losers want. Watch what happens carefully. This is the start of payback time.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 18 May 2019, 12:20

It is as democratic as our system and we have civil servants who direct government, non elected and are there no matter which party is in power. Yes minister still one of the best political satires. There should be no need for any of the financial support in the EU but it will be interesting to see how our useless government uses our EU contribution, I bet half the EU funded development projects would not happen and Corbyn would just waste it nationalising something.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 18 May 2019, 12:42

>>> It is as democratic as our system
I disagree.
Also we live in the UK. Why would we vote as 1 in 28 countries about whats best for us? Why try and tar 28 totally different countries, and economies, and different wealth and GDP levels, and cultures with a single set of rules, laws, open borders, and currency with the same broad brush. Obviously it can be as 'democratic' as you like and it still means we get the wrong result.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 18 May 2019, 16:33

We have 4 countries 3 of whom have limited control, hardly democratic when they are tied to laws made by predominantly English MP's. One of those countries will have to have its constitution changed for a Brexit it didn't vote for. Way worse than anything that the EU has done. It is just perspective, you see the problems with the EU, if you were Scottish or N Irish you would see the problems with our Union. Anything that joins different countries is always going to have problems.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 18 May 2019, 16:35

I agree. Why would they join? They voted to. And scotland recently voted to remain a member of the UK.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 18 May 2019, 18:04

They voted to before the EU referendum, they voted to remain in that. With a significant difference in the UK/EU relationship I can understand why there is a push for a second independence vote and whilst it would mean accepting EU rules they voted for that by remaining part of the UK pre Brexit vote. Collateral damage from the referendum result.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 18 May 2019, 18:14

They voted to before the EU referendum, they voted to remain in that.

Correct. Free choice. They knew that it was a ONCE IN A GENERATION vote, and they knew the EU referendum may go either way. So that was their decision.
With a significant difference in the UK/EU relationship I can understand why there is a push for a second independence vote and whilst it would mean accepting EU rules they voted for that by remaining part of the UK pre Brexit vote. Collateral damage from the referendum result.

They had a choice. They could have waited. They didnt do that, and voted the independence clown in instead. So they chose this route themselves. Knowing full well that a EU referendum was going to happen 20 months later. And because said clown lost, she wants to do the same as the remainers and get everyone to vote again till they vote the correctly... She will lose anyway. So a 3rd vote in a few years...
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 19 May 2019, 10:22

Scottish vote September 2014, Cameron included EU referendum in 2015 manifesto. When Scotland voted there was no EU referendum promise. Sturgeon won't stop pushing for a second referendum, if we leave with no deal or Bojo replaces May she'll just push harder.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 19 May 2019, 11:16

Frankly I dont much care. If they want to leave, let em. Their choice. As I said theres nothing there bar a few sheep and a lot of flies. Most scots have left. Those that are there dont want to leave UK.

BOJO voted for mays remainer surrender document so he is useless.

The conservatives are done. Payback time soon.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby sad_vampire » 20 May 2019, 01:22

If Scotland left the UK, their share of the National Debt would bankrupt them instantly. Canny Scots know this. Canny Scots also know that it'd be difficult to claim that it's not Scotland's responsibility
when Gordon Brown is a Scot.

The Queen, bear in mind that she is the Queen of France too by birthright.

Ireland, a possible solution is to annex the semi-autonomous region known as Eire back into the UK, instantly solving any border issues.
There has been an open border for people since before the EU.

In France & Belgium they have already started killing Jews (using muslim proxies), we should not be part of this even if Corbyn wants it.

Smuggling arms to the resistance movements in the EU could be big business.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 20 May 2019, 01:53

Muslims believe its fine to rape non muslim women to shame them. They also hate jews the most out of all the unbelievers. So they especially hate jews. But also their own people (moderate muslims are seen as the worst of all and have been murdered for 12 centuries across muslim countries) and then xstians, then anyone not living their lifestyle as instructed in the koran, like the populations of all the countries they love moving into... So we have seen the results of that. There will be more to come.

In ireland the border issue is simple. DONT be allowing terrorists to dictate that we cant have a required border. So have a damned border. We voted to become a seperate 3rd country to the EU. That REQUIRES a border.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 21 May 2019, 18:59

So May has promised to give MP's the chance to call a second referendum if MP's pass her agreement how many remainer MP's will vote for that? Can't believe what she will do to get it through.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 21 May 2019, 19:07

Doesent matter what she does. Thats not what people voted for, and in no way brexit no matter what she chooses to calls her remainer/surrender deal treaty.

So all those that want leave wont vote for it. Remainers will, because it is remain. BRINO is the only fitting description. Wait and see what happens. It will all be blown out and overturned one way or another simply because it is not what anyone means by leave. May is a remainer and has done thos 3 year remainer dance on purpose. Starting with the brexit party getting by far the biggest vote on thursday. Her party and labour will be destroyed.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 22 May 2019, 10:07

Based upon initial comments she has shot herself in both feet so it could be the end of her and her agreement. 3 years wasted.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 22 May 2019, 11:24

I said that every week for 3 years. Her plan was always to waste time and allow all the remainers as much chance as possible to get a rerun and make us all vote the right way... Itis exactly as I predicted 3 years ago.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 22 May 2019, 13:26

Little else could explain the level of incompetence from her but not her Brexit cabinet ministers like Davis, Rabb and Fox.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 22 May 2019, 16:59

Remember that almost all of parliment are remainers. Inc the conservative party. Unlike the grass root members who are quite the opposite. Those leave members are called 'extreme' brexiteers and are to be ingnored and villified with no deal scare stories by all on the nedia and remainers. Because they actually want to do as the people voted. We cant possibly allow that. The 3 years gave them time for all the remainer bullshit and squeeling to sink in to the masses. Project fear.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 22 May 2019, 18:03

The likes of Davis supported Brexit, when given the opportunity to do it he failed. Probably because it was impossible to negotiate a deal to please everyone despite Leave saying that there would be a deal and how easy it would be. Only 2 options left now that May has really screwed up, no deal or referendum/revoke article 50 as it won't make any difference who leads the Conservatives the EU won't renegotiate.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 23 May 2019, 08:55

The likes of Davis supported Brexit, when given the opportunity to do it he failed. Probably because it was impossible to negotiate a deal to please everyone despite Leave saying that there would be a deal and how easy it would be.

1. You CANNOT negotiate a TRADE deal which is all that is acceptable, AFTER may already agreed to give them 40 billion for nothing, and after all the remainers including may told the EU that they were not going to accept 'no deal'. Thats like hab\nding your wallet to a car saleseman, telling him you are not leaving without the car, and then asking him for a discount! Only a remainer or someone TRYING to negotiate the worst deal could do.

So the reason that davis resigned was that he was not ALLOWED to negotiate under andy kind of sane terms. Had any normal businessman (or trump!) been negotiating then the ONLY way to do so was to tell the EU from day 1 that you wanted a trade deal, and that was all. And offer them nothing. If they dont agree, leave on WTO rules next day. THEN negotiate from a position of having all the best cards.

You would leave on WTO terms ASAP and that was that. But too late at this point, after the stupId remainers, and remainer may offering everything up front, the EU has absolutely no reason to agree to any negotiators demands. Why? They dont want us to leave. They want our money. And our trade. They already wasted 3 years doing mays surrender treaty. And are still laughing. And that treaty was agreed because may WANTED a deal that pleased nobody on purpose. She sees brexit as a problem. She is attempting to drive down the middle of a 2 way street. You cant! And as a remainer she wants to stay as close as possible while saying we are out. That left the negotiators no possible way to negotiate anything. So they left. So had we negotiated correctly a deal really would have been easy. They WANT our trade. A no deal scares them more than it does us. The EU is now showing this. But remainer may totally screwed this up like a 5 year old buying from a used car saleseman. And she did it 3 years back. So yes a TRADE deal WOULD have been easy. If a brexiter or trump, or me, or any businessman was allowed to do it from day 1.

2. Leaving only 1 option. LEAVE. WTO terms. Exactly as we voted for, exactly as may said literally 130 times, exactly as that gov letter promised, as we voted for, as we were repeatedly told, and as may said "no deal is better than a bad deal". But she lied repeatedly for 3 years and never had any intention of leaving. Only time wasting and remaining and surrendering, while saying something different.

Only 2 options left now that May has really screwed up, no deal or referendum/revoke article 50 as it won't make any difference who leads the Conservatives the EU won't renegotiate.

No. Why would they? The EU are still laughing. The referendum already happened. We voted OUT, LEAVE. The only ones wanting to have another vote are the LOSERS. How many times - we dont want a losers vote. Nor would it help. If they win then I demand that its best of 3. Or 5 if we lose... Sorry no losers vote.

The options remaining are to LEAVE NO DEAL as we were promised originally. I didnt vote for any deals. I didnt vote for half out. One foot in. Or any of this stuff thats been added by the remainers in parliment. The traitors that are refusing to bite the bullet and do as we voted for. I voted to FULLY leave. In a binary referendum. Sorry but the losers must be ignored. Theres no middle way.

As promised by the gov leafelet. http://www.wheelchairdriver.com/propaganda.pdf and later by both main parties, and the referendum itself, and by may n parliment 130 times, verbally and by the election article 50 promises they were elected on, that 80% of parliment voted for. And a massive 80% of polled voters want. And as brexit party will end up doing. Wait and see. Or to ignore the voter and stop brexit. And thats not really an option is it...
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 23 May 2019, 09:27

Latest poll. The 5 week old BREXIT PARTY which is for LEAVE WTO NOW! is rather popular. And its popularity is increasing, and this pole is a week old. So its likely even better now.

Why do you think this is?

They will be forming a political party for the next general election. And they have the vote of everyone I speak to here. And polls say they are already equal to the labour party, in voting intention. So will likely win a general election. And will MURDER the rest in todays EU elections.

This IS your 2nd referendum. Why? Because even remainers are SICK OF BETRAYAL by the elites in the remainer parliment bubble. As I said a long time ago, the system will work. And those that betrayed the voters will get their fancy jobs, wages, cars, expenses bills forcibly removed and their parties destroyed for a decade at least.

There are very similar polls from across the country, and from all the usual polling companies.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 23 May 2019, 09:46

Its very clear that leaving now, on no deal or rather WTO terms is slightly popular... The people do not like being taken for a ride or ignored. And I predicted that this would happen. This party is a few weeks old. Many have not yet even heard of it!

All it proposes is to carry out the referendum result.
And no loser vote, and no trade 'deal' until we are out completely and in a stronger position.
The mssage is extremely clear what the voters want.

Wait a few weeks and lets see what this, along with similar right wing, anti EU and other parties all join forces inside the EU parliment. It will again, show them that the people are in charge, not a bunch of eurocrats.

You can fool some of the people all of the time.
You can fool all of the people some of the time.
But in the end there comes a point where they have had enough. Thats happening all over europe as the political elites ignore the will of those that they are supposed to be listening to. Hence the EU problems that are coming from many countries now. And the rise of the right like marine le pen etc.

The EU will either collapse or change rather severely. Even the EURO is failing today. Maybe when we get rid of the grand EUSSR plan from the elites, it can become a useful trading agreement area again and we can rejoin. Nobody ever voted for or was asked if they wanted some grand socialist centralised government political union where the power and sovereinty was removed from each country. And the people just woke up, and do not want that!!! And the political elites, STILL dont get this. So they will be booted out one way or another.
EU Parliament election time series 19-21 May-01.png
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 23 May 2019, 12:37

Leave said that there would be a deal, the easiest deal according to some of them but it was obvious prior to the referendum that it wouldn't happen. Even if you have changed negotiators you would still struggle to get a deal to satisfy the everyone and whilst it wasn’t a legally binding referendum it was always going to need approval from parliament. That is the problem it doesn’t matter who negotiates it whilst the numbers are the same in parliament nothing can change. Vote for whoever you want today it won’t change the bit that needs to change. If you want direct contact democracy we need political change.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 23 May 2019, 16:25

Leave said that there would be a deal, the easiest deal according to some of them but it was obvious prior to the referendum that it wouldn't happen.

Rubbish. A deal would have been simple. If remainer may and all the leavers had not fanded over all the negotiating advantages BEFOR ever starting any deal.
As soon as she said that we wanted a deal badly, backed up by all the morons with loud mouths in parliment thats half your negotiating power gone. As soon as she agreed to hand over 40 BILLION before ant trade deals were ever discussed thats the other half gone. So after remeinrer may and all the remainers in parliment we were held over a barrel! So now a deal is impossible. You already gave them all the goodies. So NOW we have no option but to leave, keep the 40 billion, and agree to nothing up front. Then we can do a trade deal, if thye EU wish . And trust me they do. The only difference is that they didnt shoiut it to the world like our 4 year old retards in parliment.

Even if you have changed negotiators

Changing negotiators doesent help. You already gave away all the goodiues whilst shouting we wont leave without a deal. While they laughed at the skills of a retarded countries government/parliment. They are hopelessely clueless.

you would still struggle to get a deal to satisfy the everyone

Why would we try. Everyone that voted remain, LOST. It wasnt proportional representation. It was very clear what leave meant. If you didnt understand what leave meant you sghouldnt have voted. And it means the same as when leaving any club, party, union, shop, car, school, or whatever. It did not mean try to pay them 40 billion, try to keep half in, etc.

and whilst it wasn’t a legally binding referendum it was always going to need approval from parliament.

Parliment and all its members voted to leave and triggered article 50. That mean out by 19th march. Then Both main parties were then RE-ELECTED and voted back into government after they said that they were going to honour the vote.
They then ignored that and prevented us leaving. Why?
Because 80% parliment are remainers and traitors and liers, and are ingnoring the referendum, and their own manifestos. They should resign now before they are fired by their electorate.

That is the problem

Err no.

it doesn’t matter who negotiates it whilst the numbers are the same in parliament nothing can change. Vote for whoever you want today it won’t change the bit that needs to change. If you want direct contact democracy we need political change.

Once remainer may handed out all the negotiating advantages for no gain, we were never able to do any kind of a deal. At that point, 2 years back, no deal became the only option. And she did that on purpose. And we never voted for ANY deal. We voted to leave. And if we can do a trade deal after this and we can, then thats fine.

The people will vote all the traitors out.
Then its pretty likely that any left, to save themselves, or be taken over by farage or someone that WILL honour the vote, they will then leave on no deal terms. As we should have done after the referendum.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 23 May 2019, 18:51

We have yet to see how badly the EU want a deal, they won't do anything to ruin their club and will no deal rather than give us anything. Even if May hadn't promised what she did they wouldn't change, their social experiment is more important. It is not even about a deal, the withdrawal agreement was what was negotiated trade comes after we are out. Parliament would of had no say if the referendum was binding because it wasn't the remainers can slow it, that is the root problem we should of exited without any agreement needing parliamentary approval, that is direct democracy. Instead we have this mess unable to change anything until a general election. Get rid of May doesn't alter the numbers in Parliament only a general election can do that. How long before the next one...
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 23 May 2019, 20:00

We have yet to see how badly the EU want a deal, they won't do anything to ruin their club and will no deal rather than give us anything.

They BADLY want access to our markets without the hassle of WTO paperwork. We are their largest export market. They sell more to the UK in both services and products than any other of the smaller 20 countries combined. So obviously they want a deal. If not theres will be 3 day weeks, men unemployed, and lack of sales across all the industrial manufacturers in the richest EU countries.

And they are all already doing much worse than the UK is, having to struggle with the stupid EURO. Many countries are in reccesion already. In france unemployment and low income and high prices are a massive problem. The average WORKING person there now really struggles. Because of socialist governments mostly. How will germany with its huge manufacturing cope with a massive sales hit? Also in and out of reccesion for 5 years. And italy, spain, greece, etc etc are all in debt, and in even worse trouble. They will love it when the EU 'project' leaders decide to make it all worse for the sake of the "club"... That will just make more want to escape. See any similarities with the soviet union yet??? Have you seen the predicted new order already expected to destroy the EU from the inside? Thats why I just voted for the brexit party. So its damned obvious the EU not only want a deal, but they need one! But they understand how to buy/sell any deal or agreement. Rule one, dont tell the car salesmen you are going to buy no matter how bad his deal... LIKE WE DID!!! If they even try to refuse that, on the grounds of protecting their project then:

a. The so called POPULISTS (the populations view) will wreck the EU from the inside and euroscepticsm will incease even more! And its growing at a rapid rate as the ignorant learn what the EU really is. (I gave the EU 10 years. 5 years back. Looking like I am right already.)
b. The businesses in all these EU countries, will tell their governments that they need a deal with the UK. Or millions will be out of work. Or go bust.
c. The people on reduced hours, fired, or working as self employed, or in struggling businesses will vote them out of power.
d. WE dont care. They sell us more than we sell them. By a huge margin. So we can sell to the greater world which is expanding in trade rapidly. And we can buy everything outside of EU rules and bullshit cheaper in many cases from 100 countries not in the EU. Its their loss and they know it.

Even if May hadn't promised what she did they wouldn't change, their social experiment is more important.

It was. The people seem to have noticed that they are being experimented on. They are now sick of it. The rules. The bullying. The gimigrants that drive trucks over people and that rape and murder and take as much as they can get. The strangling regulations (its no joke that theres 128 on PILLOWS! and another 8 on he PILLOW CASE COVER). This makes business hard. It made it all but impossible to sell my automotive dynamometers in the EU. The people are seeing this ever creeping legislation and control. They dont want it. Likewise they dont want an EU expensive millitary. Or a centralised conttrol that takes away thir own power. Or the EURO. That will be dumped by a few countries soon if things keep going as they are.

People now are extremely clear. They do not want open borders. Do want their own countries to have control. The project that was is now dead. Its still breathing but its dying. The people do not want MORE EU. They also dont want to be paying in, as we do, to support a bunch of poorer countries. Its all over. So they WILL do a trade deal sooner or later. Sooner if they want to keep their jobs. Later if not.

All of this is happening right now under your nose. The system, will make SURE that the EU and its project is destroyed. If it turns back into a helpful trade union, that is NOT a centralised (soviet style socialist/communist) controlling block, with no political agenda or control, as we originally joined and wanted than great! We can join it. And it inevitably will. Or many countries will leave, and create their own. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Gnomatic » 23 May 2019, 21:27

From my point of view on this side of the pond, the UK has a much stronger hand than other EU states, in part because the UK kept its own central bank and currency, never adopting the Euro as the official currency. On top of this, most big institutional trading of the Euro goes through London.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 23 May 2019, 21:59


>>> On top of this, most big institutional trading of the Euro goes through London.

Well there wont be a Euro for much longer judging by what its done to the EU. And the mass of anti Euro feelings across many EU countries. Because of what its done to the mediteranian countries. But still, all the new non EURO currencies will still go through london exactly the same.

And then theres the constant project fear from the remainers in both main parties about the horrors of leaving with no deal (trade on WTO terms).They use "crash out" and catastrophic, and damaging, and so on day after day after day. For around 4 years now. Its going to be terrible, with mass shortages and other complete bollox.
179 States worldwide sell to the EU with NO Customs Union and NO Single Market membership.
They are not part of the EU, EEA, EFTA or anything else, yet they sold £1.5 TRILLION of goods into the EU last year.

Info from the WTO factfinder and info checker.
And of course we also sell to these states/countries the very same way. As do the rest of the EU. Right now I have a huge box of pinapple juice on the table next to my bed. And a glass off ice. I notice its from Australia... No idea why/how but obviously economically viable and competitive with the restrictive EU. In spite of WTO trading. I didnt know pinapples were an australian thing... But obviously this scaremongering is a joke.

Its why I used to sell my automotive dynamometers to the rest of the world, and why my driveway has a US van, and my room here has tons of non EU stuff all via WTO rules from much of the rest of the planet. In fact its pretty hard to see stuff that IS from the EU!

I will be able to buy, and sell, into the EU as a business and as an individual after a no deal brexit, exactly as I do now. There may be some or different paperwork. There may be some added tax. Some things will be cheaper than now, some more expensive. Its all swings and roundabouts. If a thing IS more expensive, then thats revenue for OUR government. A tax. That just means that we will have more tax revenue from imports, and that we can tax business or the rest of us less. Or give the local councils or NHS more if WE decide. It allows us to make the decisions. And who to do trade deals with and on what terms. (Our terms!)
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 24 May 2019, 10:17

You need to look at which countries export, we import more from 27 countries Germany the biggest at 80bn we export to 27 countries and balances aren't equal. ¢80bn to Germany is not a huge hit and won't all be lost as we will continue to buy their cars just with WTO tariffs. There seems to be a lack of understanding that we are not in a commanding position, we are the same as them, no deal we go to WTO (actually we don't), we pay more for their stuff, they pay more for hours, the duty rate will be the same in either direction. Everything just goes up so we all buy less no matter where it was made. Throw in new EU trade deals with the US and Japan and you can see they anticipate that they need new markets. They'll be more worried about a slow down in Chinese demand than losing us.

Time will tell ,it is all just speculation until we actually get something decided.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby wheelie junkie » 24 May 2019, 10:33

Gnomatic wrote:From my point of view on this side of the pond, the UK has a much stronger hand than other EU states, in part because the UK kept its own central bank and currency, never adopting the Euro as the official currency. On top of this, most big institutional trading of the Euro goes through London.

From inception the €was doomed to fail, countries need to be in control of their own currency especially when borrowing. You can't have 27 totally different economies all doing the same thing.

Sadly many financial institutions have already moved staff because of the uncertainty, part of May's disastrous agreement was meant to protect the city.

We couldn't meet terms for joining € initially and our departure from ERM didn't help.
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Re: I voted leave part 2

Postby Burgerman » 24 May 2019, 11:04

You mean the "Eternal Recession Mechanism" ?
Everyone departed that! Well everyone other than denmark... Thats the only one left.

Sadly many financial institutions have already moved staff because of the uncertainty, part of May's disastrous agreement was meant to protect the city.

Project scare working on you.
What about the fact that as a percentage of staff or businesses, its a microscopic amount in reality?
Or that many have gone the opposite way too, with new big businesses like google coming here because of the lowered business taxation. These never get endlessely repeated by the left, liberal, anti brexit, anti trump, anti america, anti israil remainers in the mass media like all the remainer scare stories?

What about the fact that we have the strongest economy in europe, with the lowest unemployment 3 years after all the recession/job/economy stories by project scare , who were the business experts, who told us that the vote alone would send us all bankrupt and cause a massive recession? It seems that just as ALWAYS the business 'experts' got it all backwards, just as they do every single time. Some may say on purpose. Even the likes of remainer hammond are still repeating this garbage.

Remember that this was the 2018 gdp figures. 2 years after the vote.
Since then Germany are headed for recession. And no longer on top or soon wont be... Guess who will? Project fear is a joke.

Wikipedia, by year. To 2018 end in trillions.
1st Germany 3,761.142 3,545.946 3,753.687 3,885.440 3,365.293 3,479,232 3,684.816 4,029.140
2nd United Kingdom 2,611.108 2,655.458 2,721.489 2,945.394 2,858.482 2,660,687 2,624.529 2,808.899
3rd France 2,865.304 2,682.900 2,809.390 2,843.673 2,420.163 2,466,472 2,583.560 2,794.696
4th Italy 2,278.376 2,073.972 2,130.997 2,141.937 1,815.759 1,860,152 1,937.894 2,086.911
5th Russia 2,031.768 2,170.145 2,230.624 2,030.973 1,326.016 1,283,286 1,527.469 1,576.488
6th Spain 1,489.381 1,340.689 1,369.690 1,383.537 1,199.715 1,237,766 1,313.951 1,437.047
7th Netherlands 894.576 829.406 866.951 881.033 750.696 777,548 825.745 909.887
8th Switzerland 696.528 665.898 685.871 712.050 664.603 668,748 678.575 709.118
9th Sweden 563.110 543.881 579.526 570.137 492.618 514,460 538.575 554.659
10th Poland 524.104 496.687 526.031 546.644 474.893 471,216 524.886 549.478
11th Belgium 528.721 499.129 524.970 534.672 454.687 468,148 494.733 536.055
12th Austria 429.493 407.801 428.456 437.123 374.124 390,961 416.845 459.401
13th Norway 498.157 509.705 522.349 500.244 389.482 371,075 396.457 441.439
14th Ireland 237.990 222.089 232.150 246.438 238.031 304,499 333.994 366.448
15th Denmark 341.498 322.277 335.878 340.806 294.951 306,900 324.484 354.683
16th Finland 273.925 256.849 268.281 271.165 229.671 238,776 253.244 276.553
17th Czech Republic 227.307 206.751 208.796 205.658 181.858 195,305 213.189 244.540
18th Romania 186.113 172.041 191.598 199.950 177.315 187,807 211.315 239.440
19th Portugal 245.120 216.488 224.983 230.012 199.077 205,269 218.064 237.962
20th Greece 289.068 249.663 242.306 238.023 195.320 192,770 200.690 218.057
21st Hungary 139.447 126.825 133.424 137.104 120.636 129,144 132.034 156.393
22nd Ukraine 163.307 175.707 179.572 130.660 90.524 93,263 109.321 126.390
23rd Slovakia 97.621 92.799 97.743 99.971 86.629 89,806 95.938 106.940
24th Luxembourg 59.010 56.323 60.150 62.395 57.423 58,655 62.393 68.993
25th Bulgaria 55.799 52.613 54.517 55.837 48.957 53,236 56.943 63.651
26th Croatia 62.172 56.484 57.849 57.159 48.850 51,350 54.516 59.971
27th Belarus 59.735 63.615 71.710 76.139 54.609 47,703 54.436 56.934
28th Slovenia 51.299 46.288 48.005 49.506 42.768 44,727 48.868 54.969
29th Lithuania 43.478 42.828 46.426 48.232 41.267 42,791 47.263 52.468
30th Serbia 46.488 40.749 45.520 43.866 36.513 38,300 41.471 47.654
31st Latvia 28.488 28.343 30.838 31.970 27.048 27,584 30.319 34.286
32nd Estonia 22.824 22.673 24.888 25.953 22.704 23,348 25.973 29.527
33rd Iceland 14.666 14.183 15.330 16.693 16.718 20,304 23.909 26.674
34th Bosnia and Herzegovina 18.318 16.906 17.852 17.977 15.794 16,917 18.058 19.984
35th Albania 12.891 12.345 12.916 13.262 11.543 11,865 13.181 15.121
36th Malta 9.604 9.289 10.056 10.582 9.801 11,278 12.543 14.873
37th North Macedonia 10.659 9.751 10.774 11.342 9.922 10,759 11.366 12.374
38th Moldova 7.018 7.283 7.985 7.944 6.414 6,773 8.085 11.436
39th Montenegro 4.500 4.048 4.419 4.462 4.039 4,376 4.764 5.389
40th San Marino 2.056 1.802 1.802 1.786 1.566 1,565 1.636 1.769
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