Looks like the muslims are at it again

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Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 19 Jul 2021, 16:19

https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/14 ... tal-latest

Been happening in several countries lately around europe. This one above has no comments allowed and no mention of alans snackbar or names or colours but then they never do when it is. And it normally is...
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 21 Jul 2021, 02:23

nothing new - they will always be at it - it will never end - no one has the balls to do what is needed once and for all
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 21 Jul 2021, 03:12

You mean turn the middle east and sub saharan africa into a nice lake? No. Not even trump.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 21 Jul 2021, 04:49

this shit has to end - there is no way nicely - its out of control - been so for decades - forget being nice

you do something - we level the country or an area of it where they hide out - i mean level it - period - enough is enough -

do something else - another area leveled - keep going - we level it - i would just fly over the area day and night for a month bombing it -

enough of this peaceful thing they preach - its a shame we have to feel this way - we dont belong there - let them kill themselves if they want -

but let it be known - you do things here - we will level the area - or attach our interests - you want to it your way - do it your way keep it there -

another major event needs to happen to start it all over again - another War - we be there for a few more decades - and achieve nothing - we leave - and it goes back to the way it was before we went -

how come they dont see this when the everyone else can see this - they cant and will never be able to defend themselves there - once our military leaves - it goes back to the way it was before -

you cant win - we should leave and let them work it out - good luck
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 21 Jul 2021, 09:44

how come they dont see this when the everyone else can see this - they cant and will never be able to defend themselves there - once our military leaves - it goes back to the way it was before -

Because the brainwashed religous nuts, that are devout believers are around 90% of them. There are around 10 % that are prepaed to actually DO what their book tells them to do. And they simply dont care tht they cant win or die. Their book tells them that is a good thing. The most devout ones have been murdering and torturing the less extremist ones across the whole of the middle east for forteen centuries because of this. They believe that those that dont follow the vile rules in the koran, the so called moderate muslims, are the worst of all and their book tells them to convert them back to true muslims or torture and kill them.

Those that dont follow the book they beleve in are the enemy to be destroyed or converted. They have now taken over and spread their evil bullshit to much of africa. So africans that already had enough problems now have another desease that has spread among them.

So they DO know they can be wiped out. But they dont care. They are winning because the west is too scared to even admit the problem. Instead they call the extreme religous ones, "terrorists" which isnt true. Its just the ones that really follow their religion to the letter. In this country there are now a lot of muslims. In a large poll - one of many - most agreed with your 911 and all the other attacks acros the world. Theres dozens every week. The lefty politically correct muslim loving media NEVER report on 99% of these attacks and murders on children, xstians, etc. Its all swept under the carpet.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 21 Jul 2021, 09:51

https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/atta ... ?Yr=Last30

Last 30 days. NONE ever mentioned on the media for fear of insulting muslims. These are not terrorists. They are brainwashed religous delusional idiots murdering in the name of their religion, doing exactly what their book tells them to do. As taught to them and practised in blood for 14 centuries.

Christianity used to be the same centuries ago. Then they had the reformation and all agreed to ignore the evil parts of the bible and get their experts to interpret all the evil stuff as cuddly nice stuff and gloss over it... And never mention it. And unlike the almost completely rational athiest UK the US still has massive religous delusional churches and followers. The US is still a brainwashed religous country too. I dont really see a difference. ALL of this nonsense can be removed through education, logic, reason. The chinese are doing it right now to the so called weiga muslims in 'reducation' camps. If you ask me thats a good thing. But the politically correct left are all screaming about it.

Religous woo woo nonsense has been damaging mankind since it began. Its about time it was all wiped out for the good of all.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 21 Jul 2021, 13:39

i dont care if people are brainwashed to believe in religion or not - its your choice - you want to follow it - its fine

but dont kill or do harm to others - thats it - dont use it to do your evil stuff - and think its all good -
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 21 Jul 2021, 13:50

i dont care if people are brainwashed to believe in religion or not - its your choice - you want to follow it - its fine

No its not. And thats the problem. No religion ISNT choice. It done by brainwashing young minds mostly, and some born agains later on, which is evil. But those doing it to their children/community do not realise this. Its actually child abuse. It literally grows new neuronal links, physical changes to the young persons brain tissues. Permanant conversion. Physical neuron change. Or damage if you prefer. Links in the brain that grow as they are "taught" this vile nonsense. It never really stops as they go to their church and practice group reinforcement through chanting and story telling just like christianity. And so its reinforced and continued generation after generation. Not just muslims, your own country.

Choice or stupidity dont enter into it. Many intelligent people were once religous till they actually had the courage to question it and saw it for the woo woo that it is. If indoctrinated you cannot "choose" at all. That plastic young brain was physically damaged by indoctrination. Young minds accept what those in authority tell it. They are designed to. If a parent says dont put your hand in the fire they accept it. They question nothing. Thats how the religious manage to indoctrinate every new generation into their nonsense.

but dont kill or do harm to others - thats it - dont use it to do your evil stuff - and think its all good -

But thats EXACTLY what their religion is about. This is one of the most important things it says to do. Kill non believers. The two things are the same. If you are a REAL believer thats what you do.

The stuff they are all indocrinated with IS evil. It is at its basic level an instruction to follow the book. In the case of muslims that means they have a duty to kill you. Or they just become the moderate muslims. And are then the ones that are killed by the devout/extreme believers. So you SHOULD absolutely care what they believe. Because thats why they want to kill you. This lefty nonsense that respects religion is the problem. They will not open their eyes and see the problem. They pretend that religion should be respected. You cannot tell the truth about it.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 21 Jul 2021, 14:54

i dont care what they believe - i dont care for it - and dont care for anything that dosnt make sense to me - let them enjoy themselves

but since they want to do harm to everyone else - then it has to be dealt with and thats the problem the world is facing - its the number one most important issue - and its not addressed - just bullshit talk and go to war - never solves it - once war is over - which its never over

once troops leave - it goes right back - i wouldnt send any more troops - just fly over and drop bombs all day and night -
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Swan T.W. » 21 Jul 2021, 15:47

expresso wrote:i dont care what they believe - i dont care for it - and dont care for anything that dosnt make sense to me - let them enjoy themselves

but since they want to do harm to everyone else - then it has to be dealt with and thats the problem the world is facing - its the number one most important issue - and its not addressed - just bullshit talk and go to war - never solves it - once war is over - which its never over

once troops leave - it goes right back - i wouldnt send any more troops - just fly over and drop bombs all day and night -

That didn't work in Vietnam.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 21 Jul 2021, 18:01

Well true but we had our hands tied also back then. We r more advanced now I would think.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 22 Jul 2021, 01:20

America is a strange place. Claims to be the worlds policeman. Yet are all xstians with all the baggage that this brings with it.

Much of the US is highly religous. Bonkers is a better name for it. But the fact remains. I as frankly amazed at how many and how busy thousands of churches were. Its all extremely backwards. And you can hardly claim to be logical and sane with round 80% religeosity...
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 22 Jul 2021, 01:26

i dont have an issue with people who are religious - most are - 9 out of 10 for sure - most of nice people - its fine - my mother was a Nun in italy - till she met my father - :D

she was a sister lived with them etc, - italians - spanish - very religious - - i am not looking to change peoples choices -

but my mother is not killing people - theres a difference - dosnt matter if you dont believe it in or not - not all religious people are crazy or nuts - - or want to do harm -
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 22 Jul 2021, 01:43

Ask yourself this. Religion normalises things that are actually very wrong. Are you circumcised? Why on earth would you look at a perfect newborn baby and decide that you know better and that you should hack a bit off? It takes religion to make nice people do bad things.

When this happens to girls, as in "female genital mutilation" everybody thinks its discusting and illegal. Its exactly the same thing. Its ok to do this to male babies because your brainwashing has made you see this as "normal" in your primarily xstian society. Muslims see female mutilation as normal in the same way. NEITHER is! Its literal child abuse in both cases. Assault on an innocent baby. Yet you probably accept this as "normal" as you have been brainwashed to accept it from birth.

The problem with "nice" religous people is that they are incapable of rational decisions. Because their beliefs inform their actions. And you then vote these illogical idiots into power to make choices for the sane ones...

Another example. A womans body belongs to no one but her. Yet she is not allowed to have an abortion in the US. And is judged by all the religous nuts in your society when she does because they are ill informed ignorant and brainwashed "nice" people. Nice but a bad and distorted irrational worldview. As such its your duty to take the piss out of religion and to educate them at every opportunity. The sooner the evil of religous indoctrination ends the better for everyone. Yes in america too.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 22 Jul 2021, 01:45

but my mother is not killing people

Her religion was in many places. Take northern island for e.g. And the catholic church is absolutely discusting and full of child sexual abuse, deaths and torture, and hiding of pedoefiles even today. Its all needs to be destroyed for the benefit of humanity.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 22 Jul 2021, 01:54

in italy back then - i think in Europe in general - they dont do that to the males - dont know about now - its your choice if you want your baby to have it done or not - even here - you dont have to get it done

listen what ever peoples beliefs are - you expect everyone to be like you or think a way that you feel is correct - :lol:

never will happen - and who wants that - everyone to be the same - but with this subject - there is no answer correctly -

abortion - thats a real touchy subject - yes i agree - woman should have the right - BUT - lets be real now - a baby is a baby - its a life - it cant make its own choices - if you dont want kids - then practice safe sex etc, do something so it dosnt happen

you cant just go have babies and kill them because you dont want kids - theres a line - cant cross it - if a girl is pregnant and dosnt want to have it - it has to be done abortion very very soon in the process - cant wait -

there is not right answer that will satisfy everyone on that subject -

you have to protect the unborn who cant speak defend itself - like animals - you have to be a voice for them
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 22 Jul 2021, 02:28

in italy back then - i think in Europe in general - they dont do that to the males - dont know about now - its your choice if you want your baby to have it done or not - even here - you dont have to get it done

Never mind "dont have to get it done" it should be exactly as illegal as female genital mutilation is. Anyone doing it, agreeing, helping or not actively preventing it should be aressted and prosecuted in the same way anyone is for child abuse and violence against children. It the fact that you dont recognise this and accept the status quo as NORMAL that the problem. The religions have brainwashed your society to accept this as OK. Thats the problem with religion. Thats why it needs to be destroyed. And no its not just about this subject its the entire way that religous people thing and behave based on their imaginary freind, woo woo and the whole mind control thing. Its all wrong and should be actively destroyed.

listen what ever peoples beliefs are - you expect everyone to be like you or think a way that you feel is correct - :lol:

I have no religion. Most sane logical people do not Its not about the way I think. Its about those poor suckers that are brainwashed into a destructive bunch of damaging woo woo. It affect the sane logical reasoning people too. Thats why you no longer have a trade centre.

never will happen - and who wants that - everyone to be the same - but with this subject - there is no answer correctly -

There IS! WOO WOO = nonsense belief that affects others. No matter which woo woo it is. Logic and reason has no need of imaginary freinds and vile practises or anything else. That od he ONLY answer. It does away with many of the worlds problems at a stroke.

abortion - thats a real touchy subject - yes i agree - woman should have the right - BUT - lets be real now - a baby is a baby - its a life - it cant make its own choices - if you dont want kids - then practice safe sex etc, do something so it dosnt happen

Do away with the WOO WOO and theres no touchy subject. Its a womans own body she decides its not anyone elses business.

you cant just go have babies and kill them because you dont want kids - theres a line - cant cross it - if a girl is pregnant and dosnt want to have it - it has to be done abortion very very soon in the process - cant wait -

Thats correct. Its a judgement call to be decided between NON RELIGOUS doctors that are free to deal with facts and logic abd science and the woman whose body it is. Thats how it is here. Nobody keeps having babies and killing them...
there is not right answer that will satisfy everyone on that subject -

The above answer is fine. And works in most of the sane world. But all the disagreements and arguments all only happen in the religous places like the US because they base their decisions on woo woo and not facts and logic. And thats wrong. As I keep telling you your polititions are religouss, and that brain washing that damaged them as they grew up informs their choices and actions and affects the sane non religous people.
you have to protect the unborn who cant speak defend itself - like animals - you have to be a voice for them

Thats EXACTLY what happens in places where religion has died out like the UK and has no part in government. The ones that are thought odd here are anyone admitting they got an imaginary freind. Because they get the piss taken in the same way they would claiming elves, fairies, santa clause is real.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby expresso » 22 Jul 2021, 03:08

lets not call it religion - how about - your beliefs - what ever they may be

everyone has a belief - has nothing to do with religion - forget that - its a dead end with you - its woo woo to you and many - i dont follow it -

but its an belief to many - i respect it - i dont care for it - if its forced on me or what ever - dosnt mean i dont have a belief - i am not sure what it is - havnt reached a conclusion - most likely never will - its fascinating - but no i dont believe the stories in the books -

there may be bits and pieces that can make sense - but most stories - are just that -

now the only religion i know of today - there may be others just as bad - from all beliefs -

but the only one i know of today are the Muslims - i dont see Christians doing this - i dont see what ever other religions are there doing what they are doing

i am not talking about the past - what the religions did or didnt do - but as far as i know - i dont know any other thats killing people this way other than Muslims - agree - disagree - dosnt matter - i see it - its a fact -

its not fair to lump them all together - you may feel they are all woo woo - and they may be - but they are not all the same in the way Muslims radical or what ever you want to call them -
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 22 Jul 2021, 06:03

lets not call it religion - how about - your beliefs - what ever they may be everyone has a belief - has nothing to do with religion - forget that - its a dead end with you - its woo woo to you and many - i dont follow it -

Wrong. The PROBLEM "beliefs" are the ones that are damaging. Those are called religous beliefs. Why would you call them beliefs? If they were based on logic, reason, evidence they would be called facts. Or knowledge. It takes massive ignorance or brainwashing to have any irrational belief. And in almost every single last case that is a RELIGOUS belief.

but its an belief to many - i respect it -

Why? You certainly should NOT respect any belief system, if its based on nonsense! If it wasnt, it wouldnt be called a belief would it. It would be fact or knowledge. I have an invisible dog with 6 legs. It wants me to kill everyone that doesent believe its real. It also wants to cut off a few bits of every newborn baby. Maybe a coule of fingers. Do you respect this belief? If so, then how is that any different?

i dont care for it - if its forced on me or what ever - dosnt mean i dont have a belief - i am not sure what it is - havnt reached a conclusion - most likely never will - its fascinating - but no i dont believe the stories in the books -

And if e dont want to continue the wars, suffering, mind control, and all the damage religous people do then neither should ANYONE. Its just brainwashing. You certainly shouldnt respect this nonsense!

there may be bits and pieces that can make sense - but most stories - are just that -

now the only religion i know of today - there may be others just as bad - from all beliefs -

It doesent matter if any of it makes any sense or not. It only matters if its true. And the time to beleve anything is when the evidence shows that its true. Or logically you would need to believe in my 6 legged invisible dog, elves, fairies and santa clause too. As well as EVER religion/god.

but the only one i know of today are the Muslims - i dont see Christians doing this - i dont see what ever other religions are there doing what they are doing

You dont think christianity also does harm? What about all the damaged brainwashed generations, and maybe the muillions of babies getting their genitals chopped up based on their nonsense religions? How is that any different to any other type of child abuse? Or how is that better than femail genital mutilation my muslims?
i am not talking about the past - what the religions did or didnt do - but as far as i know - i dont know any other thats killing people this way other than Muslims - agree - disagree - dosnt matter - i see it - its a fact -

What about my quesstions above?
its not fair to lump them all together - you may feel they are all woo woo - and they may be - but they are not all the same in the way Muslims radical or what ever you want to call them -

Yes they are its just to a greater or lesser degree. For e.g:
I ask again...
You dont think christianity also does harm? What about all the damaged brainwashed generations, and maybe the millions of babies getting their genitals chopped up based on their nonsense religions? How is that any different to any other type of child abuse? Or how is that better than female genital mutilation by muslims Explain the difference? If you think there is one you too are brainwashed.

No religion doesent deserve respect by anyone sane. It should be ridiculed mercilessly.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Dblshotz » 19 Aug 2021, 01:23

Burgerman wrote:https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30

Last 30 days. NONE ever mentioned on the media for fear of insulting muslims. These are not terrorists. They are brainwashed religous delusional idiots murdering in the name of their religion, doing exactly what their book tells them to do. As taught to them and practised in blood for 14 centuries.

Christianity used to be the same centuries ago. Then they had the reformation and all agreed to ignore the evil parts of the bible and get their experts to interpret all the evil stuff as cuddly nice stuff and gloss over it... And never mention it. And unlike the almost completely rational athiest UK the US still has massive religous delusional churches and followers. The US is still a brainwashed religous country too. I dont really see a difference. ALL of this nonsense can be removed through education, logic, reason. The chinese are doing it right now to the so called weiga muslims in 'reducation' camps. If you ask me thats a good thing. But the politically correct left are all screaming about it.

Religous woo woo nonsense has been damaging mankind since it began. Its about time it was all wiped out for the good of all.

That is quite a rant there. While i do not agree with you on Chinas methods and reasons you could not be more correct in saying "ALL of this nonsense can be removed through education, logic, reason." Here in the US the religious far right is absolutely killing this country with their ignorance and gullibility. It would not be surprising to see the end of democracy in the united states in my lifetime. It kind of is already over since corporate interests and money runs congress.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 19 Aug 2021, 02:34

Something that has always baffled me is why religion is a conservative thing in the USA.

In the UK religion plays no part in labour (same as your socialist party or social dems) OR conservative party. Why would it? Ones politics, and the other is unrelated. The two subjects are not connected.

In the UK the conservative party are all for free markets, liberty, freedom of everything. Small government that is supposed to do the stuff that only governments can do and not interfere with anything else. Religon has no part to play whatever here. Thats pretty much gone from all normal native british peoples lives. Only the old, and the immigrants are still delusional here pretty much.

I might add that the idiot biden has pulled out afganistan suddenly (should never have interferred) and left the true muslim religous believers start murdering and torturing the less devout muslims all over again. Whats the solution to that? Wipe out that vile religion (preferably all religous superstition) ASAP. By whatever means it takes. 14 centuries of it is enough. Turn it all into a lake. Or educate them. By force if needed. enough is enough. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 19 Aug 2021, 10:24

The last 30 days only.
During this time period, there were 190 Islamic attacks in 24 countries, in which 1208 people were killed and 1198 injured.
Almost non of this was ever reported by mainstream western news at all. It never is.

They have been doing this for 12 centuries across the planet. And 14 centuries across the middle east. Nothing will ever stop it other than squashing the evil backward religion oyt of existence. It tells the "believers" to do this to non believers. Non believers or apostate isnt what you think. It means me, you, and especially those that are muslim, but do not properly follow their religion. Those, are worse than xstians, athiests etc apparently. Hence what you see happening all over again in afganistan. They are NOT terrorists, thats what the west like you to think. They are simply devout muslims following their book to the letter. Isntead of trying to pretend it means something else like xstians do.

2021.08.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 A child is killed by the Taliban outside an airport.
2021.08.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 13 The Taliban open fire on a rally for the Afghan flag, killing three innocents.
2021.08.18 Pakistan Kanniguram 1 0 A 42-year-old security employee is shot dead by Sunni radicals.
2021.08.18 Burkina Faso Arbinda 47 24 An attack by Islamic extremists leaves nearly fifty dead.
2021.08.17 Iraq Maqdadiyah 3 1 Islamic State gunmen attack a local security base, killing three members.
2021.08.17 Iraq Baqubah 2 4 Two tribesmen are blown up by ISIS bombers.
2021.08.17 India Brazloo 1 0 Terrorists shoot a secular political worker to death outside his home.
2021.08.17 Nigeria Chando-Zrrcehi 6 0 Muslim terrorists take out a half-dozen.
2021.08.16 Armenia Yeraskh 2 0 Two Armenian border guards are picked off by Muslim snipers.
2021.08.16 Niger Darey-Daye 37 0 At least four women and thirteen children are among thirty-seven innocents massacred by Jihadists.
2021.08.15 Nigeria Jox 1 0 A female university student is killed days after Boko Haram issues a threat to violence.
2021.08.14 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 0 0 Two boy are badly beaten by a cleric at a Madrassa, one of whom dies.
2021.08.14 Afghanistan Taloqan 1 0 A woman is shot dead for not wearing a burqa.
2021.08.14 Pakistan Karachi 13 7 Thirteen women and children returning from a wedding are callously murdered by terrorists.
2021.08.14 Yemen Dar Sad 2 6 Terrorists target passersby with a motorcycle-rigged bomb, killing two.
2021.08.13 India Rajouri 1 6 A very young Sikh child dies from splinter injuries when Muslim terrorists toss a grenade into a home.
2021.08.13 Afghanistan Helmand 14 0 Video shows fourteen Afghans executed for fighting back against the Taliban.
2021.08.13 Iraq Maysan 1 1 A 10-year-old dies in the hospital following a Mujahid shooting.
2021.08.13 Nigeria Buruku 5 0 Five farmers are cut down by Muslim militants.
2021.08.13 Nigeria Udawa 3 0 Three innocents are shot to death along a highway by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.13 Iraq Sharqat 1 0 A rival prayer caller is gunned down by ISIS.
2021.08.12 Egypt New Rafah 9 6 Islamic State members target a local patrol with an IED, killing nine members.
2021.08.12 Pakistan Sararogha 1 0 Terrorists kill a guard in an heinous attack on a border post.
2021.08.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four Afghans are executed outside their homes.
2021.08.12 Nigeria Ngala 5 0 A Boko Haram grenade claims the lives of five children.
2021.08.12 Iraq Jardaghli 1 0 An orchard worker is torn to shreds by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2021.08.12 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 1 0 A former judge is wrapped with barbed wire and dragged to his death.
2021.08.11 Iraq Mahana 1 0 An Islamic drive-by shooting leaves a dead civilian.
2021.08.11 Iraq Qayyarah 1 0 Terrorists use pistols to bring down a civilian.
2021.08.11 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 15 An attack on an airport leaves six dead.
2021.08.10 Iraq Mamlji 3 0 A mayor and two employees are brutally gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.08.10 Afghanistan Kolohi Sabz 3 0 Three civilians are neatly disassembled by Taliban shelling.
2021.08.10 Sudan Tabit 1 0 Arab militia plunder a village and kill one person defending their property.
2021.08.10 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 3 0 Muslim terrorists storm a farming community, killing three women in their fields.
2021.08.10 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 40 0 At least forty more civilians are executed by the Taliban, many by beheading.
2021.08.09 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An IED planted by religious radicals targets a patrol, killing one member.
2021.08.09 Niger Banibangou 15 0 At least fifteen people are slaughtered in their fields by Islamic terrorists.
2021.08.09 Iraq al-Abara 1 0 A local cop is brutally gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.08.09 Pakistan Kulachi 3 0 Three customs officials are assassinated by suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2021.08.09 Iraq al-Zab 1 0 An agricultural worker is executed by the Islamic State.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 47 136 Fifty more civilians are reported dead in ongoing Taliban violence, including twenty-seven children.
2021.08.09 Cameroon Sagme 3 5 A Boko Haram attack leaves three dead.
2021.08.09 India Anantnag 2 0 A secular official is assassinated along with his wife.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 3 A civilian is killed and three more injured by the Taliban.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Bagrami 1 2 Taliban bombers lay out a civilian.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 Islamic extremists shoot a 'liberal' radio station manager to death.
2021.08.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A female bodybuilder dies from injuries suffered from an earlier ISIS attack.
2021.08.08 Mali Karou 20 0 Twenty civilians are massacred by Jihadists.
2021.08.08 Mali Ouatagouna 14 0 Islamic extremists slaughter fourteen villagers.
2021.08.08 Mali Daoutegeft 17 0 Seventeen innocents are butchered by a pro-Sharia group.
2021.08.08 Afghanistan Deh Zabz 2 1 Religious radicals attack and kill two employees at a prosecutor's office.
2021.08.08 Iraq Nibai 1 2 An ISIS attack claims one life.
2021.08.08 Afghanistan Sayed Karam 14 0 A family of fourteen is blown to bits by Taliban Jihadists.
2021.08.08 Nigeria Damboa 1 0 At least one person is killed when Boko Haram stage an assault on a small town.
2021.08.08 Afghanistan Malistan 27 10 Women are among twenty-seven civilians slaughtered by the Taliban.
2021.08.08 Burkina Faso Toeni 12 7 A dozen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamists.
2021.08.07 Afghanistan Kunduz 11 64 At least eleven civilians lose their lives when the Taliban storm their city.
2021.08.07 Iraq Shirqat 1 1 The Islamic State kill one person at a gas station.
2021.08.07 DRC Mapasana 5 0 Five villagers are brutally slain and their houses torched by Islamic militants.
2021.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 The Taliban kill a pilot with a bomb attached to his car.
2021.08.07 Pakistan Ghariom 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a border post, killing a guard.
2021.08.07 India Pombai 1 2 Islamic gunmen kill a traffic cop.
2021.08.06 DRC Mbingi 10 4 Islamic 'rebels' hack ten to death, including five women.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The director of a media center is murdered by 'Holy Warriors' while sitting in his car.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Farah 5 0 The Taliban shoot five locals to death.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 5 0 The Taliban open fire on a minibus, killing five passengers.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Herat 3 0 Three police officers are brutally eliminated by the Taliban.
2021.08.06 Syria Maaret al-Numan 6 0 A half-dozen Syrians are aerated by Jihadists.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Jowsjan 10 0 At least ten locals are killed by the Taliban.
2021.08.06 Iraq Dhabab 1 0 An orchard worker is murdered by ISIS.
2021.08.06 Nigeria Anshika 1 2 ISIS-linked gunmen kill one local.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Farah 10 0 Sunni hardliners open fire on local soldiers, killing ten.
2021.08.05 Sudan Habouba 7 16 Janjaweed militia attack a village and kill seven residents.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 22 Civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Nimruz 30 0 Thirty Afghan security personnel are killed by the Taliban, including those who surrendered.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Sheberghan 5 0 Fundamentalists kill a woman and four others.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Chorai 1 0 A poet is abducted from his home and shot.
2021.08.05 Pakistan Tirah 2 4 Terrorists shoot and kill two local soldiers.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 6 The Taliban kill a civilian with a bicycle bomb.
2021.08.04 Syria Qudsaya 1 3 Sunni bombers take out a local bus driver.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 1 0 A district governor is assassinated by Sunni extremists.
2021.08.04 Philippines Datu Hoffer 1 7 Bangsamoro Islamists plant a bomb that kills a member of a patrol.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Jabal-us-Siraj 1 0 Armed extremists kill a woman on her farm.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Guzara 6 4 A half-dozen locals are picked off by Taliban gunmen.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Baghlan 8 0 Eight Afghans are left dead following a series of fundamentalist attacks.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Zaranj 3 0 Three local soldiers are taken prisoner by the Taliban, which executes them and gouges out their eyes.
2021.08.04 Syria Damascus 9 10 The Guardians of Religion claim a bus bombing that leaves nine dead.
2021.08.04 DRC Mavivi 18 3 Islamist claim an attack that leaves eighteen dead.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Kabul 6 0 Six pilots are killed by fundamentalists in separate targeted assassinations.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Khawja-Duborar 1 0 Another young woman is killed for traveling without a male escort.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 3 0 Three young men are summarily executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Chisht-i-Sharif 5 5 Five guards at a dam are murdered by Islamic hardliners.
2021.08.03 Nigeria South Kadha 22 50 Muslim terrorists burn homes and kill twenty-two members of a farming community.
2021.08.03 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 Islamic gunmen fire point-blank on a station house officer at a bazaar.
2021.08.03 Chad Tchoukou Telia 26 14 Jihadists massacre two dozen local troops, who were resting.
2021.08.03 Burkina Faso Markoye 30 15 Civilians are among thirty slaughtered by suspected Jihadists.
2021.08.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 A Muslim raid on a security base leaves one dead.
2021.08.03 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A sapper is killed by a Mujahid bomb.
2021.08.03 Sudan Kushna 1 4 A farmer is shot to death during a raid by Janjaweed
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Charikar 5 0 Five policemen at their post are mowed down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Beaver Ridge, WV 3 10 A bus carrying civilians makes an easy target for Sunni bombers.
2021.08.03 Iraq Safra 2 2 Two local cops are tragically cut down by an Islamic gunman.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Kabul 8 20 Sharia radicals target the home of a secular official with a suicide bomb, killing eight.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Samar 1 0 A young woman is murdered for wearing tight clothing and not being accompanied by a male relative.
2021.08.02 Iraq Duloiya 2 5 Two brothers are killed in their own home by ISIS snipers.
2021.08.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.02 DRC Idohu 16 0 An Islamist group knifes sixteen hostages to death after weeks of captivity.
2021.08.02 Iraq Hilla 1 1 A man on his way home from work is the victim of a sectarian attack.
2021.08.02 Pakistan Kolachi 1 0 Radicals fire on a polio team, killing one.
2021.08.02 Afghanistan Herat 3 31 An attack near a hospital leaves three dead.
2021.08.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 18 Women and children are among the casualties of a Taliban attack that kills three.
2021.08.02 Nigeria Miago 68 147 Jihadists murder seventy innocents in an overnight rampage.
2021.08.02 Egypt Abu al-Dahab 1 5 A repairman dies from injuries suffered from an Islamist IED.
2021.08.01 Cameroon Zigi 7 5 At least seven locals are laid out by Boko Haram.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 6 0 Six police manning a checkpoint are mowed down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Deh Sabz 1 0 A scholar is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Jaghori 1 0 A well-placed rocket kills a farmer watering his field.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Civilian bystanders are killed when Taliban attack a police vehicle.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Enugu 2 0 Muslim terrorists kill a pregnant woman and tear out her unborn baby.
2021.08.01 Yemen Zinjibar 2 2 An al-Qaeda ambush on a motorcade leaves two dead.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Tafigana 2 0 A Christian father and his 7-year-old son are beheaded by Muslim radicals.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Isi-Uzo 8 0 An elderly woman is among eight murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 40 118 Forty civilians are reported dead following a week of Taliban assaults on a small city.
2021.08.01 Iraq al-Baaj 1 1 Jihadi bombers send a civilian to Allah.
2021.08.01 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 A grenade attack on a polio team leaves one dead.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Jebu Miango 7 0 Seven bodies are discovered following an attack by Muslim militants on a sleepy village.
2021.08.01 Lebanon Khaldeh 5 0 Sunnis kill five Shiites in a funeral procession.
2021.07.31 Niger Torodi 15 13 Islamic terrorists target security personnel, killing fifteen.
2021.07.31 Pakistan Shawal 1 2 An Islamic attack on a group of border guards leaves one dead.
2021.07.31 Afghanistan Nijrab 4 6 Two women are among six disassembled by a Taliban mortar attack on their home.
2021.07.31 CAR Mann 6 12 A half-dozen innocents are slaughtered by 3R Muslims.
2021.07.31 Lebanon Jiyeh 1 1 A Shiite leaders is assassinated by a Sunni gunmen at a wedding.
2021.07.31 Iraq Hit 3 0 Three family members are killed when ISIS fire into a home.
2021.07.31 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 5 6 Islamic State members attack a checkpoint, killing five local soldiers.
2021.07.31 Afghanistan Yaqubi 2 30 A Taliban attack on a ceremony leaves two dead civilians.
2021.07.31 Iraq Salahaddin 13 45 Thirteen mourners at a funeral are exterminated by Jihadists with machine-guns.
2021.07.31 Kenya Kamor Bahaw 1 2 al-Shabaab members fire into a salon car, killing a passenger.
2021.07.31 Kenya Fino 2 0 A man and his son are brought down by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2021.07.31 Afghanistan Guzara 7 11 Seven more Afghans are killed by the Taliban in an attack following an earlier one.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Firoz Nakhchir 8 0 All eight members of a security outpost are massacred by a Sunni group.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Jowzjan 4 0 Four locals are discovered killed and mutilated by the Taliban.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Injil 5 0 Five Afghan 'infidels' get their comeuppance from Holy Warriors.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A traffic cop is abducted from the street and executed.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Nijrab 4 1 Lions of Allah hit a home with a mortar, killing two women and two others.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Jaghori 1 1 An 8-year-old is shot dead by courageous Taliban.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Guzara 5 21 A group fighting for Sharia kill five locals.
2021.07.30 Iraq Jalawlaa 1 6 Islamic State gunfire in a residential area claims one life.
2021.07.30 Somalia Kismayo 5 12 al-Shabaab hits a bus carrying a soccer team, killing five players.
2021.07.30 Yemen Qubaita 3 0 Three people riding a motorcycle are sent straight to Allah by a Shiite bomb blast.
2021.07.30 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 A farming woman and her son are murdered by Islamists.
2021.07.30 Oman Persian Gulf 2 0 Two crew members are killed when an Iranian drone attacks an Israeli-owned oil tanker.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 At least one person is killed during a Mujahid attack on a UN compound.
2021.07.30 Pakistan Karkhano Bazar 1 2 At least one person is killed by a grenade attack on a university route.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 An abducted policeman is forced to his knees and shot in the head by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.07.29 Iraq Hilla 1 0 Muslim snipers pick off a civilian in his car.
2021.07.29 Iraq Amerli 5 0 Five Iraqis aboard a helicopter inspecting power lines are killed when it is shot down by terrorists.
2021.07.29 Afghanistan Gozara 6 22 A series of Mujahid attacks leaves a half dozen dead.
2021.07.29 Afghanistan Qalat 5 14 The Taliban send a mortar round into a house, clearing out three children and two parents.
2021.07.28 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Fundamentalists dispatch two police officers with silencer-equipped pistols.
2021.07.28 Afghanistan Mata Khan 4 0 Four civilians are splattered when the Taliban hit their vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2021.07.28 Afghanistan Dara-e-Suf Bala 4 0 Four Shiite minorities working a chicken farm are executed by Sunnis.
2021.07.28 DRC Kivu 2 0 An ISIS-linked group is suspected in the murder of two locals.
2021.07.28 Syria Deir Ezzor 7 5 Jihadists kill seven Syrians.
2021.07.28 DRC Bulongo 7 0 Four women and an unborn child are among seven slain by the ADF.
2021.07.28 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A civilian loses his life to an ISIS shooting attack.
2021.07.28 Niger Deye Koukou 19 3 Jihadists massacre nineteen civilians.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Nijrab 6 0 A half-dozen Afghans are left dead following a Taliban attack.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Pul-i-Khumri 4 5 Shrapnel tears through the lives of four locals.
2021.07.27 Iraq Zuhairat 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by ISIS loyalists.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A popular comedian is captured and executed by fundamentalists.
2021.07.27 Iraq Mukhaisah 2 0 A man and wife are brought down in a hail of Sunni bullets.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 0 A young man is stoned to death in an area newly 'liberated' by the Taliban.
2021.07.27 Nigeria Miango 3 6 Three innocents are slain by militant Muslims.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 Taliban bombers pick off a man on his way to a market.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Nijrab 4 2 Fundamentalists attack a security post and kill six, including two civilians.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Alingar 4 0 Four innocents are slain by the Taliban.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Doshi 4 6 Another four Afghans are shot to death by the Taliban.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 3 3 At least one woman is among three killed when the Taliban storm a family home.
2021.07.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 13 A terror attack by the Taliban claims four lives.
2021.07.26 Cameroon Zigue 6 0 Another six people are killed in an attack by Boko Haram.
2021.07.26 Yemen Bayhan 8 0 Ansar Allah rockets claims at least eight lives.
2021.07.25 DRC Mavivi 6 3 Islamists fire on a local security patrol, killing six members.
2021.07.25 Niger Banibangou 14 0 A total of fourteen innocents in a farming community are brutally murdered by terrorists.
2021.07.25 Nigeria Uzo-Uwani 2 3 At least two farmers are hacked to death with machetes by Fulani terrorists.
2021.07.25 Yemen Taiz 3 0 Ansar Allah fire shells into a heavily-populated city, killing at least three.
2021.07.25 England London 0 1 A woman who converted to Christianity is stabbed for preaching at Speakers' Corner.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Firaz Koh 1 1 Islamic gunmen on motorcycles take down a bystander.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Kohistan 1 0 A woman is dragged out of her house by the Taliban and shot on the street.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 The Taliban hit a house with a rocket, crushing a teenager.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 Religion of Peace gunmen take down a rival Quran scholar.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Parwan 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down in quick order by Taliban loyalists.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Sheberghan 1 0 A religious scholar is shot to death by Islamic rivals.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Mirbazaar 1 0 A 17-year-old is pulled from a car by the Taliban and shot eleven times in front of his family.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 11 Five Afghans succumb to injuries from a Taliban attack.
2021.07.24 Iraq Basra 1 0 The son of a women's rights activist is kidnapped and murdered by Shia militia.
2021.07.24 Cameroon Sagme 8 4 An Islamic group rolls up on a local security base and machine-guns at least eight.
2021.07.24 Yemen Mashjah 6 12 At least six local soldiers are killed during an attack by Shia militia.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Haji Paik 5 0 A hospital employee is among five Afghans murdered by the Taliban.
2021.07.23 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 1 1 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death outside a mosque.
2021.07.23 India Larugam 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a teacher at his residence.
2021.07.23 India Krishna Ghati 1 1 A border guard is shredded by Mujahid shrapnel.
2021.07.23 DRC Oicha 16 9 Six women and two children are among sixteen massacred by Islamists.
2021.07.23 Iraq Rutba 3 2 Three are killed when ISIS attacks a desert outpost.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Kabul 5 0 Five citizens are stabbed and then shot in the head by religious radicals.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Naray 4 23 A vicious Taliban assault leaves four dead.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two members of a rival mosque are shot by extremists.
2021.07.23 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is honor killed by her family.
2021.07.22 Nigeria Torkula 5 0 Muslim militants attack a funeral for previous victims, killing five more.
2021.07.22 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 14 Hamas explosives go off prematurely at a market, killing a bystander.
2021.07.21 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 100 0 The Taliban raid homes, killing over a hundred civilians and stealing their property.
2021.07.21 Nigeria Umenger 5 2 A 3-month-old baby is among five shot dead by Fulani mercenaries.
2021.07.21 India Verinag 0 2 Jaish-e-Mohammad gunmen shoot a mother and daughter in their home.
2021.07.21 Nigeria Gidan Sule 5 0 Four women are among five murdered by militant Muslims.
2021.07.21 Iraq Arab Jibor 1 0 Shiite militia is thought responsible for the murder of a security officer.
2021.07.20 Iraq Mteibijah 2 3 A brutal attack by ISIS leaves two dead.
2021.07.20 Nigeria Udei 8 0 Eight people are massacred by Muslim terrorists.
2021.07.20 Afghanistan Mirwais 4 33 Four people lose their lives to a Taliban attack near a hospital.
2021.07.20 Afghanistan Malistan 19 0 The Taliban execute nineteen individuals taken captive a week earlier.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby Burgerman » 19 Aug 2021, 10:28

Just 4 of these were reported on my he mainstream liberal western media. Because they want to keep up the pretense that muslims are nice sane people and the 50% of places like afganistan are "terrorists". They are not, they are just people that follow their religous books teaching as intended. Whats more at least half of the moderate ones even in western countries hold the same beliefs and agree with them. And just do not do this themselves.
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Re: Looks like the muslims are at it again

Postby CPguy » 12 Sep 2021, 18:49

Point taken. I could not agree more.
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